Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) was one of the great German composers of the Renaissance period.
The volume is suitable for Easy ability players, the only exception being the 1st viola part which is ideal for Moderate abilities. It would be perfect for any string scholar’s first exploration into ensemble playing – and equally brilliant fun for advance players.
Praetorius always intended these to be accessible to any combination of ensemble instruments, thus leaving almost infinite possibilities.
So I have selected 20 of the Dances and have tailored the first 3 parts to be played on both violin and viola, while the fourth part may be played on viola and cello – so do the maths for how many different ensembles you can make with that!
Since the Early Music revival of the 20th Century his music has become hugely popular, and these dances in particular have captured the imagination of players and listeners, alike.
Wonderful, uplifting music. E/M